Finucane & Hartzell, LLP
Tell us a little about your business!
We are a law firm.
How did your business start?
Leo Finucane and I joined my father in the business, who had been the sole practitioner.
How long has your business been in existence?
Counting my father’s start, over 50 years.
What excites you about your business?
Helping people (rather than big corporations) with their problems.
What initiatives or specials are coming up in the near future that you want to advertise?
We intend to host a “meet and greet” at our office this Fall.
What else do you want to promote for the next week or so?
Real estate, wills, family law, civil issues – we are available to answer questions and help.
Why is the Chamber important to you as a business person in Pittsford?
We all benefit if the Pittsford businesses are successful, and the Chamber unifies and concentrates the efforts to keep businesses thriving.